Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kindness & humanity

One synonym for the word kindness is the term of humanity. Kindness is essentially a regiqnition of the fact that we're all human, an acknowledgement that we're all in this together. "Most of what makes life worth living depends on at least some of us being altruistic some of the time".We cannot address problems like global climate change, the spread of disease and political violence by appealing only to selfish motives.

The good news is that it's easy to train ourselves to be kinder.People should simply do more acts of kindness than they usually do, and do them on regular basis. Kindness, then just a matter of choice- an attitude you carry with u that u can make a difference, however small, in someone else's life.

Kindness has to begin within ourselves. Sometimes we lock people out to keep ourselves safe, but that also isolates us from the rest of universe.Every major religion has love as universal principle.Kindness takes love to a gentler and more accessible level that most people feel comfortable with. Showing a little bit of kindness to people regoqnises that everyone around u is just like yourself.

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