Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Always love your loved ones & show them how you feel before it's too late.. You will never know when they will be gone from your embrace.. If you were

DanielI guess we are the left overs in this world.

JasmineI think so.. All of my friends have boyfriends & we are the only 2
persons left in this world without any special someone in our lives.

DanielYup! I don't know what to do.

JasmineI know! We'll play a game.

DanielWhat game?

JasmineI'll be your girlfriend for 30 days & you will be my boyfriend.

DanielThat's a great plan in fact, I don't have anything to do for the following weeks..


DAY 1:

They watched their first movie together & were both touched in the romantic film.

DAY 4:

They went to the beach & had a picnic... Daniel & Jasmine had their quality time together.

DAY 12:

Daniel invited Jasmine to a circus and they went to a Horror House.. Jasmine was scared
and she tried to touch Daniel's hand but by accident she touched someone else's and they both laughed..

DAY 14:

They saw a fortune teller down the road and asked for their future. The
fortune teller said: 'My darlings, please don't waste the time of your lives... spend your time together happily.' Then tears flow from the teller's eyes.

DAY 20:

Jasmine invited Daniel to go to the hill and they saw a meteor... Jasmine mumbled something.

DAY 28:

They rode on a bus and because of the bumpy road, Jasmine gave her first kiss to Daniel by accident.

DAY 29:

11:37 pm

Daniel & Jasmine were sitting in the park where they first decided to play this game...

DanielI'm tired Jasmine... do you want any drinks? I'll buy you one.. I'll just go down the road...

JasmineApple juice would be fine,thanks.

Wait for me...

20 minutes later
... a stranger  approached Jasmine.

StrangerAre you a friend of Daniel?

Yes, why? What happened?

StrangerA reckless drunken driver ran over Daniel & he is critical in the hospital


The doctor came out from the emergency room & handed out an apple juice & a letter to Jasmine.

We found this in Daniel's pocket.

Jasmine read the letter which says:

Jasmine, this past few days, I realized you are really a cute girl & I am falling for you.. your cherished smile, your everything when we played this game.. & before this game ends, I would like you to be my girlfriend for the rest of my
life. I love you, Jasmine...

Jasmine crumples the paper & shouted..

'Daniel! I don't want you to die...I love you... Remember that night we saw a meteor? I mumbled something.. I wished that we would be together forever & never end this game. Please don't leave me, Daniel... I love you, you cannot do this to me

Then the clock strikes 12

Daniel's heart stop pumping

Always love your loved ones & show them how you feel before it's too late.. You will never know when they will be gone from your embrace.. If you were given a time to bestow petals of
everlasting compassion & love to your love ones, today is the day. Love them while they are still here...


Norafarhanis Rahman said...

tajuk itu ade kaitan dgn diri sy sekarang. tp laen status. heee.
ok! cter ni jujur menarik gler2!!
sy tersentuh, haihhh~ :)

Aqilah Amin said...

yg nih mmg sdeyh!!!
pernah dpt email x silap...
tp sometimes. perasaan.
x blh dipaksa. =]

Ell said...

btul2..touching gler..

Unknown said...

bendanie mengelirukan..
kdng2 kite sndiri xtau y kita syg kat sm1 ker x..

tht y la, rmai diantara sakalian manusia yg bgtau last mint klu doeng syng atau x syng!!!

"but.. it not me!!"

Ell said...

ialah la tu alyya..mamat mlvk tu cne?nk sorok mana?jgn denykn hati yg dah suka tuh!

Unknown said...

Mr. Shah!
saya xckp pown y sy sk dia...
dia just kwn sy lorrhh!
lgpown sy xkan nak ngn dia...

gosip nie x betoi lorrh!!

jojie Oh! said...

pergh! terkesima kejap :( sedey lorr citer ni.

Ell said...

heheheh..sedih ya?

adam.minimalism said...

If only you could open your heart. She was there right in front of you and you let her go. She went away because she knows she can never have your heart. She wishes you all the best and stop being too hard on yourself.

You deserve to be happy just like everybody else. You just gotta believe, hope, pray and work your ass off to get what you deserve! You'll understand what I mean when you practice that.

In the mean time, there's no use pretending you're happy in front of everyone, because in the end- the only one you're fooling is yourself.

Risk is worth taking when you believe in it. Its all in your mind.

Good luck man!