Saturday, May 2, 2009

AIM16: the show, the party & glass of beer

Last nite, i went to see AIM for my -only-god-knows- times. i lost count how many times i went to see AIM. i arrived at PWTC early to see my brother. He got his spiritual induction there. We go for a chat while am waiting for my other 2 frens. Actually not a fren but my niece@my student and her fren; zue

This is the black tie event but yet, some of the comers are refused to wear according to the rule. But what the heck, that's their right to wear anything they wnted to wear. The girls was looking hot, with the glittering,shimmering dresses, heels and smell nice too. A same scenery just like previous years before. They are so beautiful and pretty. Oh i felt in love with everyone of them. How i wish AIM can be organised twice a month, so i can see more of these beauties.

So hazrati and her fren arrived, i go to meet them. Meet & greet. Hehehe, she did groom herself a bit but her whoa, so damn cute.hehehehe

We go separate ways because we had a different tickets and seat level. I was located in VIPs rows. With an artists, Vips, media. Shazzy Falak and her husband, Nazruddin and Iman, Awal & kak lina was in the spot, a row before mine. Behind me was peoples who responsible for the artists, for the presenters. He was looking really strict.huhuhu but what the hell. Im here for the show not for the sight seeing eventhough those flashy girls are tempted to see.

The show started, and i am kinda satisfy with the show this year compared to last year AIM. Lot of improvement, especially for the speech acceptances. 30 seconds for each artist, so they can run the show in the speed they wnted too.Good job Jennifer Thompson & NTV7 for making a good improvement on that area because i don't like it overunned. 

The show's over. Now i realised, i forget to bring my post party tickets. Shit. I went rushed to call my fren asked for new tickets.Shahril & Fayzrul managed to give me 3 tickets for me, zet & zue. We went for the post party, Zue asked me wheter she can take pictures with Awal. How i refuse to help this cute girl, i went to see a fren of mine and also Awal's manager. Kak lina, she was hot in green dress and still vain too..Zue got what her wnt, now its time for the party. 

Went inside.Munched some foods with my 2 girls we had fun but there was my cryptonite lies inside the dance hall. A beer. I said to myself, i wnt to stop my drink habits but i cant. I go for the beer and how untoughtful i drank beer infornt of my student and also my niece. hehehehe but she's cool with it. I forgot, i go with my student,hehehe sorry Zet. Xsengaja.sedap sgt

Me and zue dance a bit but zet are refuse to we have to force her to dance but she wont.hehehehe..lantak u la zet 

but overall, the show, the party and cold beer was amazing.

bila la nk berhenti minum ni..adoi


zetzezz said...

like i care...
if i xnk then xnk ah...
bley je klu i nk tu ah...
adeh...payah nk ckp..
bt i was having fun wit both of u lasnite...
i tgk care2 dorng handle camera,
n i think i've learn sumthing !!!!
nextyear jom..... ;p

Ell said...

hehehehe..jgn marah..saje jer,i tak paksa pun u to dance.yes am also had fun with both of u n sorry for the drinking sighting.lupe u still my student.hhehehe